Cash me ousside- Financial advice

Remember how I told you I know just what you need, yeah well, I just want to assert that position today as I give you a financial advisor person (actually not a real financial advisor,but hey, who's checking,right?) who taught me a little something about financial literacy. Read through and soak up some of the knowledge I don't possess but try to pass off as my own;

By Nat Githinji
Darlings, darlings. 
As we all know, the new year comes with its perks. The dreaded Njaanuary is one of them. Now I know y'all have new year resolutions. And many of us have the common eye pathology (yes,I am a medic) where we don't see anything when we look into our pockets. Worry not though, Auntie Nat is here to save the day. Here are a few tips to make the January blues, well, less blue.

1. DO NOT MAKE IMPULSE PURCHASES. This has been said over and over. Instant purchases lead to instantly broke *insert your name here*. One wise man said failing to plan is planning to fail. These are the times when you buy pants at Githurai and find out they're old, worn out KPLC overalls which have seen better days. That happens to impulse buyers alone, just so you know. Set a budget way before you go shopping. Do not spend outside the budget. Period. 

2. NEVER SHOP WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. Hunger is one companion you don't want or need while you're shopping. They work together with that little monster called impulse buying and voila! Thy pockets emptieth like an idiot's mind. Don't say you weren't warned! 

3. LOOK OUT FOR OFFERS. Remember the buy one get one free sign you ignored at the door? Check it out! Romance it if possible. It'll save your tiny (or large) bum. The savings you make from such offers will come in handy when you remember you didn't budget for salt or matchsticks. While at it, please think critically about the offer. It may be cheaper, but is it efficient? 

4. CUT OUT VICES. These include alcohol, smoking and probably junk food. They dig deep into your pocket and leave a dent the size of Kenyatta University while at it. Instead, use that time to read, catch up with family or even rest. The liver gets tired too. It would be advantageous to also consider eliminating the friends that may entertain the vices.  Peer pressure is real!!

5. SPEND WITHIN YOUR FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES. Many are the times we take out loans to get access to luxuries or even impress. While this may give us momentary pleasure, it renders us with negative balances. Guys, if your girlfriend wants pizza, and you can't afford it, just get something you can afford. I'm sure she'll understand. If she doesn't, is that really someone you want to be in sickness and in health with? I didn't think so

6. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR SPENDING. At the end of every day, be accountable for every coin that leaves your pocket. A small leak can sink a great ship. *these proverbs though*. I have a little personal note book where I note every shilling I spend. From rent to airtime to sweets. At the end of the financial period (month, week) you'll note which areas your monies go into and work around something feasible. 

7. MAKE MONEY FROM A HOBBY, TALENT OR BOTH. Remember the bracelets you used to make during art and craft? Those could earn you a few dimes before this century that is njaanuary comes to an end. 

8. GIVE! Give, and it shall come back to you, full measure, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over. Now I don't mean you should just turn to your neighbor and empty your pocket. It could be volunteering to read for children in kibera, or foregoing your lunch to buy your mum a scarf. This way, you'll have made the world a better place, although for a second. We are the world, we are the children, remember?

Rome wasn't built in a day. Everything takes time. Don't beat yourself up if you don't feel financially empowered right away. You've got thousands of more learning days ahead of you. Have a financially enlightened 2017 lads and lasses.
 Au revoir. 

Today,how about Deep Fried Potatoes in Bread Crumbs, Boiled Maize and a side of vegetables done in soy sauce

3 large potatoes cubed and boiled
Bread Crumbs
Green Lentils
6 carrots
2 large tomatoes 1large Onion
Green maize boiled
1 tbsp of butter

Beat the egg and dip your boiled potatoes in. Coat with bread crumbs and fry till golden brown. For your vegetables,  fry the onion and tomatoes and add the diced carrots. Cover and let it simmer for roughly 5 minutes, add your lentils and soy sauce. You can include other ingredients such as pieces of meat. I added goat meat. Season with salt and you can add any spices you would like. For your maize, melt the butter in a little salt over low heat. Throw in your boiled maize and let the butter coat the maize round. Et voila! There you have it, really simple and really good on the taste buds.

Thankyou for reading and sharing!

As 'Auntie' Nat said Au revoir tout le monde! *Congolese accent*


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