Impulse buying Impulse Eating

Excessive heat, check
Water rationing, check
Electricity rationing ,check
Mama mboga loans,check
Well, seeing as we have all we need for a Nairobi January, why don't we get started.
January, also known as, Njaanuary on this side of things, has come. Bearing gifts such as heat and rationing. There you are, up early to go slave at the office, the only thing between you and poverty is that fifty bob you have for fare back home and Mama Mboga who of late has become your number one BFF, loaning you here and there, you know,helping you out in these tough times. This might be your story or might not be your story, depends on your level of financial planning.
This is what I come with today; Financial Literacy. Now don't get me wrong, I am not the most financially literate earthling around (Heavens know I'm not even half of it) but I think I try. I am not much of an impulse buyer, what I am more of is an impulse EATER. I know over the years I have been doing this, quite a good number of you picture me as this obese diabetic with high blood-pressure and chest complications, because of my references to food as my soulmate and the only thing I crush on everyday in this life. Well, picture me however you want so long as I have a hot plate in hand (pun intended). Back to my impulse eating, I may walk into a shop full of all types of goodies and not feel the slightest desire to buy them. If it's in a cologne shop, I use the testers/ samples like my life depends on it but still, I won't buy. I have a trick I use when it comes to perfume and cologne. To save on having to buy cologne for a couple of weeks, I go into the shop and use the expensive samples. They tend to last for quite some time if you wash your clothes accordingly (here, accordingly makes reference to 'lightly'). As such, I keep smelling expensive without spending anything.
Away from that, (for real this time) I do a lot of impulse eating. I might not be feeling hungry but if a fast food joint has an offer on fries and chicken, I AM IN! I might go in intending to buy a bottle of water but end up ordering a five-course meal complete with toothpicks and mints. This is a habit I really try kicking but I just can't seem to stick to it. This year however, I am a changed man and I am going to kick my impulse eating habits to the side. How responsible do I sound right there? I am so proud of myself, I think I just might be starting to get a hang of this adulting business *cue facial hair*
How financial responsible are you? This question is one we should constantly ask ourselves if we want to keep our good credit. Why not start by keeping a record of all the debts you have and prioritise. Do not spend what you don't have. If you owe me thirty bob yet you have fifty, why not pay me twenty, and the next time finish off the loan. Keep close tabs on your spending especially with the dry season we are experiencing. Note down all you've spent and evaluate how smart spending that coin was. If it was a smart decision, kudos, if it wasn't, work on how to avoid it next time.
Have you ever had food lying around in your house and you probably don't know how to put them together to work on your taste buds? Well, today's recipe goes a little bit like that.

Cheese-Rice baked in yogurt with Bean-Plantain stew in scrambled eggs.
1 plate of boiled rice
Cheese and 1 cup of yogurt (preferably vanilla or natural flavour)
1 egg
Two plantains
1 cup boiled beans
1 tomato, 1 onion, 3 carrots diced
Coriander leaves (dhania) and red capsicum (hoho)

Mix your yogurt and rice in a bowl.You can add salt and spices for taste. Throw on cheese and cover with foil paper. Bake at 180 degrees celsius for 30 minutes.
For your plantains, boil till tender. In a saucepan, fry your tomatoes and onions and add carrots. At this point add your egg unbeaten and scramble it. Once well mixed, add your boiled beans and plantain. Let it cook for slightly over 5 minutes. Season with salt. Serve and garnish with the coriander leaves and capsicum.

 Have a productive new year ahead, here's to more of this and a whole truck load of that.
See you soon, adios!

P.S, I said I am not much of an impulse buyer but more of an impulse eater, reading through,you might have noticed that the two are literally the same thing since, I impulse buy the food I go to impulse eat. However, in light of this, I still hold my position, I am not an impulse buyer, I am an impulse eater.


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