Cash me ousside- Financial advice

Remember how I told you I know just what you need, yeah well, I just want to assert that position today as I give you a financial advisor person (actually not a real financial advisor,but hey, who's checking,right?) who taught me a little something about financial literacy. Read through and soak up some of the knowledge I don't possess but try to pass off as my own; By Nat Githinji Darlings, darlings. As we all know, the new year comes with its perks. The dreaded Njaanuary is one of them. Now I know y'all have new year resolutions. And many of us have the common eye pathology (yes,I am a medic) where we don't see anything when we look into our pockets. Worry not though, Auntie Nat is here to save the day. Here are a few tips to make the January blues, well, less blue. 1. DO NOT MAKE IMPULSE PURCHASES. This has been said over and over. Instant purchases lead to instantly broke *insert your name here*. One wise man said failing to plan is planning to fail. These...