HELLO! *Adelle voice*
Life is a struggle, am I right or am I right? But, before I get into my ungrateful state of affairs, how are you? The cold in this here Nairobi, this July, *sigh* and do you know what's worse? Some times the cold feels like letting up and there comes the intense sun! By intense sun, I honestly do mean I-N-T-E-N-S-E, okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but, you get what I am driving at, right? Of course you do. Well I have a bit of a personal experience, so, there I was recently, all wrapped up in my almost-expensive (yes, almost-expensive is an actual price) trench-coat and beenie and thick gloves, think thick as the broke-ness going on at this time of the month (mid-month represent *Fat-man Scoop voice*). Well, the morning went by well, 10 am,11 am,then out of nowhere, the 12.30 pm turns into a nice warm day-changer. "Just take off all your extra layers," you might be saying, but before you think I am slightly slow in thinking and reasoning, I will have you know this, I was stuck in traffic, with the window jammed and the person seated next to me was completely asleep, it was futile waking him up besides, he was already drooling and talking in his sleep anyway. As you can probably guess, I wasn't really able to disrobe* (I have used that word really loosely) and that meant, I was soaking in my own sweat as my cheap polyester vest completely refused to cooperate with me and my dire situation. The worst part was that, I had not used any deodorant that morning. Before you judge me, let me explain, I had finished my deodorant just the morning before, so I still was looking for time to go buy another can.(I swear that has got to be the lamest excuse ever). Therefore, I really worked hard to avoid any close contact with people that day. No hugs, no handshakes, nothing that had to be done within a 5 metre radius. It's quite obvious that when I got back home later that day, I had a long bonding session with the walls in my bathroom.
"Well that was a quite an afternoon," you might be saying, but no,that is definitely not the end of it.The next day, I left home with a nice warm-ish weather. Nice enough to throw on a polyester vest and a t-shirt. Guess what happened two hours later. Yup! You got it right. The weather decided to change on us again. The cold was real! But the tables had turned. Guess who had seen all this coming and had a sweater, a scarf and a host of other self-warming paraphernalia (I just had to throw that in). Yup! Right yet again, ME! Oh,you should have seen me put on my nice warm sweater that smelled of fabric softener in the face of the dull cold. I went out, sweater and scarf in hand and I slowly, surely and all using all other -ly adjectives, put on my warm layers as I gave the cruel weather THE MIDDLE ONE! (read finger). What a time to be alive I say!
Moral of the story, always have your own back and don't let the sunshine and warmth blind you, also,don't let the cold throw you off, always have warmth in your mind. 
Do you know what will never pull a fast one on you? The one true answer my friends, is food.

Today I present the Jacket Potato on Hot Dogs and Stir Fry Vegetables. This is a really nice choice for healthy breakfast. Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Vitamins all in one serving.

  • 1 potato
  • 1.5 hotdog sausages
  • 3 spoonfuls of stir fry vegetables
  • 2 onion bulbs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt
  • Tomato sauce/Hot-sweet sauce/Chilli sauce
  • Wash your potato and dry.Spread oil on it and sprinkle a pinch of salt. Using a fork,poke holes in the potato to allow steam out while baking. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees celsius for one hour or until the skin gets crispy and the flesh inside ready and soft. Fry your sausages in the onions and soy sauce till ready.Fry your vegetables. Once the potato is ready, poke holes in a straight line in the middle. Pull the halves away from each other slightly. Be careful of the steam. In the opened up middle, put a spoonful of the vegetables and top off with butter, allow it to melt into the food. To plate, place the vegetables at the bottom of the plate, on top,place the sausages and finally,place the potato. Sprinkle spring onions or coriander. Serve with toast.

Bon appetit!
Thankyou for reading, don't forget to share!
See you next time!!!!!!!


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