Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness yet another train wreck of this little thing we convince ourselves is a blog. So, where do I start? I know (glowing bulb over my head moment), let's take a trip down memory lane.
I have been on a nostalgic tip for the past few days so why don't you find yourself a spot (I suggest extremely public or just awkwardly placed to be the centre of attention) and join me.
First, a few years back, maybe one or two (before I realised that online shopping was actually a real thing, story for another day), the legendary SAUTI SOL dropped a song that had Amos and Josh on it and it was HUGE! Nerea was the song's title and man oh man did this song have us all on another level. There was one favourite line in this song that everyone loved, "Mungu akileta mtoto analeta na sahani yake." Now,of course those were the wrong lyrics to this song because the proper words are, "Mungu akileta mtoto analeta saa ni yake." These are two different things, let me break it down for you all who don't speak Kiswahili and also those of you who know exactly what it means, because, well,I can. Mungu akileta mtoto analeta na sahani yake. This translates to, when God gives you a child, He brings you the child's plate as well. Now, how does this make sense? I can just imagine that scenario, the labour ward, a mother giving life and right after the child comes, wait for it, yes, A PLATE follows! Would the plate be standard colour for all babies,like say, white, or were they asked their favourite colour before departing from heaven for their nine month sojourn in the womb and then finally on good ol' planet earth? What would the plate's shape be? For how long would the child use this plate? All these questions that no one seemed interested in asking. Everyone, myself included, actually, not included but rather, leading the wrong-lyrics-bandwagon, was singing this disturbing line at the top of their lungs whenever the song came on. This one time I was in a matatu and this song came on, I waited with bated breath for 'that part' to come on so that I could wow my fellow passengers with my vocal prowess and mad song cramming skills. The seconds passed, tick tock, tick tock, the whole vehicle seemed to be waiting for me to just pull that line and put Beyonce to shame. Then, it came, I sang and I harmonized and did all that good stuff musical people do (of course it was all in my head because what actually came from my lips was a very low voice that only the conductor, who was collecting fare from me at that time, heard.) The conductor acknowledged the fact that I had done justice to the song by smiling slightly, so slightly that it was almost like he was burping, or was he just burping and not really praising my 'angelic voice' (rolls eyes and sighs exaggeratedly). When I learnt that the lyrics I had been singing all through were the wrong lyrics, I was crushed. I felt like the universe could never be more cruel. Then came the plethora (yes, plethora, big shout out going to my dictionary, I love you babe, all 3000 pages of you) of memes on twitter because KOT (Kenyans On Twitter) wield that power. Let's just say, I am really glad we finally got the proper lyrics in the end right? Also, who else just realised that Nerea is a name that people have? After the release of this song, I suddenly had a surge of friends and acquaintances going by that name. The proper lyrics were; Mungu akileta mtoto analeta saa ni yake. When God gives you a child, he will give you when the time is right. A very powerful message if you ask me.
You will want to check out for all the latest music.Trust you me, it is DA TRUTH!
Second, Tom and Jerry.This cartoon is my all time favourite cartoon from the moment I discovered T.V, to now. Nothing beats Tom and Jerry. There are so many times when we feel like either Tom or Jerry in this life. Take for example, beating deadlines, be it beating assignment deadlines, tax return deadlines (shoutout K.R.A) or whatever deadline we are trying to beat, we do feel like Tom chasing a very swift Jerry. For the 'I am too old to know about this things' readers, Tom is the cat, and Jerry is the mouse. But honestly why does Jerry have such a terrible life? He bears all the pain and suffering and to make matters worse, there is that Bulldog who waits for Jerry to mess up and BAM! he is all up the cat's grill. I feel like for the grand finale of this show, we should finally see Jerry's mom's face. Also, Tom and Jerry should finally speak. I wonder how their voices sound like.
As usual, no nostalgia session should end without a little something to bite on. DRY_LAVA_CHOCOLATE_CAKE  ladies and gents.
This is a chocolate lava cake but with a twist. The lava part is more compact but still really moist and fragile and sweet!

3 tablespoons self raising flour
5 tablespoons of butter( preferably unsalted butter)
3 blocks dark chocolate (around 1 cup)
2 eggs
4 teaspoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons of sugar(white sugar)
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Whisk the eggs and sugar until foamy and light coloured
In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave (this is easier and quicker as opposed to using boiling water) stir after 30 second intervals until well melted
Add this to your egg-sugar mixture and whisk until well mixed
Sift in the cocoa powder and stir,sift in the flour and salt and mix it all up
Add vanilla extract and stir
Transfer the cake batter to ramekins (butter the insides of the ramekins to avoid sticking).Refrigerate this for 30 minutes. Preheat your oven to 220-250 degrees Celsius. Place your ramekins in a casserole dish and add hot water to reach halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake for 15-19 minutes and once done, for 15 minutes to cool. Loosen the edges using a knife. Dust the cakes with powdered sugar.
Preparation time; 37 minutes (inclusive of refrigeration), cooking time;15 minutes ready in, 1hr 10 minutes.Bon Appetit!

Add me on snapchat for more one on one recipes;mwanikimaina95

Instagram me; Mwaniki_Maina

All eats and giggles,,


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