HELLO! *Adelle voice* Life is a struggle, am I right or am I right? But, before I get into my ungrateful state of affairs, how are you? The cold in this here Nairobi, this July, *sigh* and do you know what's worse? Some times the cold feels like letting up and there comes the intense sun! By intense sun, I honestly do mean I-N-T-E-N-S-E, okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but, you get what I am driving at, right? Of course you do. Well I have a bit of a personal experience, so, there I was recently, all wrapped up in my almost-expensive (yes, almost-expensive is an actual price) trench-coat and beenie and thick gloves, think thick as the broke-ness going on at this time of the month (mid-month represent *Fat-man Scoop voice*). Well, the morning went by well, 10 am,11 am,then out of nowhere, the 12.30 pm turns into a nice warm day-changer. "Just take off all your extra layers," you might be saying, but before you think I am slightly slow in thinking and reasonin...