I believe we all are creative in our very own distinct ways.Therefore I strive to bring the best of creativity and showcase it to the world be it matters music,literature,you name it if it truly embodies what creativity is all about, then trust you me, it's here.
Pubs, Brassieres and Honey Glazed Potato Wedges
I was headed home one afternoon recently. I had had this mutura craving the whole day and I finally caved, I went by the mutura place to get myself 50 bob worth of an herbivore’s intestines. There is a path I take from the mutura guy to my humble abode. The path itself is a delight. A total gem. On either side stand buildings; some semi complete, some fully complete, others just structures put together with sand and ballast. Most of these buildings are shops, salons, churches, you name it. Any money-making enterprise that can fit a 21-square-foot room. Further along the path, there’s a broken sewer pipe. That part is perennially wet. Come rain or Maji ya Kanjo rationing, this place is where the hydration is happening. If this part of the path were a person’s skin, then trust you me that would be one heck of a hydrated face. Glowing to the high heavens and not even one break out. Right after this small oasis, stands my favorite feature along this path. THE PUB. I don’t ...
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