Happy humpday everybody! I hope the week isn't treating you tooo bad,well when its Wednesday, you know the weekend is finally here so I advice you to start making those plans for the weekend.Speaking of which,there are alot of items that go into making a weekend uber-epic, the dopest crew, the illest music and the sickest ambience wherever you go turnin' up,and last but most certainely no least, the best outfit(s) that just get you feeling good about yourself.So that s precisely why today I want to address thiis issue, ready? Let's go.

For the weekend we want outfits that aren't too cumbersome to deal with.The main thing to focus on here is the fact that you aren't  suppossed to just sit around when everybody is having a great time.Prefferably, gents should wear some light material not the really heavy Monday to Friday clad.To our advantage,  the traditional denim jeans are being replaced by Khaki,Linen and some light breathable cotton.This is obviouslyy good news since now we can have a damn ball without that discomfort from the denim we have on.
Try some shorts for the guys.I think shorts are great for the weekend and can be paired up wih almost everything from that polo t-shirt,to the lumberjack as well, the great are great for a weekend out be it for a game, an event, anything, i think they are great.But, there s a catch.when dealing with shorts, they are more of day-time kind of thing so,keep that mind, but hey, let me not stop you from taking that risk and starting that new fshion trend we can all follow.
Sweat pants were once thought of as the type of clothes only suitable for those lazy days when all you wnnt to do is sit around in the house watching that series courtesy of your D.V.D guy.These former lazy day comforters are fast being transformed into that must-have fashion trend. The wonderful thing about them is that they can actually be won all day and night.Being really easy to accessorise, they are a quick fashion fix for your weekend.They have actually been blinged up lately and now some have a little bit of leather to add to that edge.

For the ladies the trick is to look for that oufit that flatters your figure but still makes you look classy.Strive to look sexy not trashy.Short outfts should not go as low as showing some of the personal goodies actually sexy is knowiing how to show the right amount of skin not just all of it.That is the purpose of having clothes remember.If we were to show it all then clothes wouldn't have been part of our lives now would they?
Working with patterns is a good choice for the weekend.Vertical patterns create that height illusion making you look tall.You can pair the pattern with sexy heels prefferably a monochrome colour to tone down the really busy torso.Black also makes you a little smaller creating an  illusion on your size.
Well, I hope these few tips help you out for a great feeling weekend because, weekends are what you make them.Wednesday are meant to prepare you for the great weekend ahead so ,lets strive to survive the remaining part of the week.
Penning out now,Have a good one people.


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