Mariah, Curry and Rice

Dearly Beloved Greetings. Salutations I think I should be here explaining myself silly telling you why on earth I didn’t get that birthday post going, but before that, let’s all take a minute to appreciate the awesomeness that is the legendary Mariah Carey alias Daughter of the land, Queen of the pipes, Throat empress. If I were president for a day, I would not make any day Mariah Carey day, obviously . Rather, what I’d do is this, I would get up at around 9:28, cup my hand over my mouth and take a whiff of that presidential morning breath, send a shout out to the Man in The Sky, take my mobile phone and cancel my 9:30 am alarm. At 9:31, I would put on my bathing robe- a fuchsia blanket of heaven with a thread count made for the gods and walk around my presidential suite. I would then press the lime green buzzer on the head board alerting Zedekaya in the kitchen to bring me up my Soya which I will have in bed. A little pre-game just before breakfast also fondly referred to as, ...