Banana Bread on Christmas Monday

Mondays are the worst... Christmas Monday, she's a beauty.
Dearly Beloved,
December came, December is here, I am December's obese child. Actually, more like, if December and April had a love child, I would be it. So I present to you words hoping you will still like me after not being on this side of town for a minute. Praying that you will like me more when I tell you, I shall leave this here seeing as Aunty Wairimu has just arrived from Nyeri with her entire FLEET! Yes, a fleet of children. Or maybe Netflix is lit and I am just a lazy hog with man tits to my knees and a bag of crisps on my layers of stomach. Either way, I like y'all, please still like me back.
Oh and Happy Happy Christmas Fam. Get LIT! #BeingAsMillenialAsPossible #ILoveUsingHashtags #YouHaveProbablyAlreadyNoticedItOnMyInstagram.

Banana Bread Recipe
2 very ripe bananas
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 cup white sugar
1 large egg beaten
3/4 cup margarine
Vanilla Essence (2drops)

Melt the butter and mix in the mashed ripe bananas. Add in the eggs. Mix well. Sift in the Flour and Baking powder together. Fold in together. Bake at 175 degrees Celsius for one hour or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Have a lovely lovely Christmas. See you here very soon as I talk about my new year's resolution. Hint hint, I lose weight. I swear I am the best. I am also very very narcissistic right?


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