Instagram Dads and Masala

Dearly Beloved,
Waddup! Howzit! Easy-Breezy-Lemon-Squeezy I hope (I know you are practically rolling your eyes at that Lemon squeezy thing). Valentine's Day came, went, people got dumped others got hitched, you know the good ol' Love Bug. Well, for yours truly, Valentine's Sunday was AMAZEBALLS!! (I am seriously not easing up on my 'millennial lingo' am I?) So, we all know I am in some serious possession of a couple of goats right? Sunday the 12th at around 8:30 pm, one of them gave birth to a BOUNCING BABY BOY.
*Currently accepting congratulatory cards, MONEY, baby formula, MONEY, and if you find it suitable enough, MONEY (details will be below; post office, email address, bank account number etc)
As you might have already guessed,we (the plural of I. That is :ME,MYSELF and I) named him Valentino (as if I would've named him anything else). Oh,he is a beautiful goat that one. We feed him from a bottle because his mother doesn't want him anywhere near them TaTas (Trying to maintain her figure maybe?) Recently, while I was feeding him, I compared him to my other he-goat. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a picky one but still, the older one is a bit... He smells, he is a brute, he has long horns and he is just a mess.
Now Valentino though, he has not yet began smelling and being all he-goaty so he may now easily be my favourite goat. Wow, hold up, is this parenthood speaking? Talking how I have no favourite yet it is pretty clear who my favourite is.
Look at me gushing like a social media mother. Oh well, I might as well go along with it. I am going to find a t-shirt printing place and get myself one of those 'my son is my hero' t-shirts. Our pictures on the front and a slogan like, A father is a son's 1st hero, on mine and A son is a father's life, on his. I will buy him a leash with diamond studs and together we will go for long walks in the fields; him enjoying the grass, me reading a best-selling self-help book for first time dads. I will teach him to take selfies and we will be the new Instagram #goals.
I can just picture it all, the joy we will experience before he gets to 5 months and starts growing those long horns. Of course after 5 months I will leave him to his own devices and allow him to discover she-goats (they grow up too fast if you ask me) and find other things to occupy myself with. Maybe I'll take up gardening and fitness. Maybe give myself a swanky Instagram name like FitGardeningDad and on my bio write in capital letters: NO DMs PLEASE. When he starts getting all smelly I will have had a new child, maybe a daughter this time. I will call her something cool like Aroma or Amor or even name her after a city like say, Tokyo. The cycle will continue but unlike Valentino who discovers she-goats, I will be with Aroma/Amor/Tokyo all the way through her first pregnancy and into delivery of her first child. My Instagram page will be full of fitness posts like; THE ONLY PLACE WORTH BEING IS AT THE GYM. I will be here talking about my crazy diet and workout plans which I think are a must have for any dad who gardens.
It's all well, but until then, let me do what I am currently doing, which is giving  you a million stay(Lady Gaga reference)... to lick your phone because guess what Dearly Beloved, it's food time!
Today I felt quite vegetarian and decided that that is exactly what I am going to put up. Ladies and Gents, Viazi Masala with Vegetable Rice in Pineapple Juice.
Now,if you've been here long enough you will know that I love me some Pineapple flavour, especially in my rice. So, here goes;

1 cup of rice
Stir-fry vegetables
Juice from 1 pineapple ring
Curry, Salt, Chillies

Heat oil in a pan and place your chopped onions (and coriander leaves if you wish). Fry till almost brown and add your potatoes washed, peeled and cubed. Add the salt, paprika, chillies and curry at this point. Youcan also decide to add other spices such as Rosemary leaves. Fry for 3-4 minutes then, cover, lower heat and let it simmer. Keep checking and stirring to avoid burning. Once soft cooked, remove from heat.
For the rice;
Boil your rice. Fry your vegetables over low heat and have them soft. Add your rice to the frying vegetables and stir. Let it cook for about 4 minutes then add your pineapple juice. Cover and let this simmer for about 3 minutes.
Once they are all done,plate and dress your Viazi Masala with mayonnaise. Serves 2. Serving suggestion, plate your viazi on salad as below:

Thank you ever so much for reading my work every alternate Friday and thank you also for sharing. Check out my previous post if you will and I will be back on the other Friday. Until then; SAYONARA fam!


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