Instagram Dads and Masala

Dearly Beloved, Waddup! Howzit! Easy-Breezy-Lemon-Squeezy I hope (I know you are practically rolling your eyes at that Lemon squeezy thing). Valentine's Day came, went, people got dumped others got hitched, you know the good ol' Love Bug. Well, for yours truly, Valentine's Sunday was AMAZEBALLS!! (I am seriously not easing up on my 'millennial lingo' am I?) So, we all know I am in some serious possession of a couple of goats right? Sunday the 12th at around 8:30 pm, one of them gave birth to a BOUNCING BABY BOY. *Currently accepting congratulatory cards, MONEY, baby formula, MONEY, and if you find it suitable enough, MONEY (details will be below; post office, email address, bank account number etc) As you might have already guessed,we (the plural of I. That is :ME,MYSELF and I) named him Valentino (as if I would've named him anything else). Oh,he is a beautiful goat that one. We feed him from a bottle because his mother doesn't want him anywhere near t...