Banana Bread on Christmas Monday

Mondays are the worst... Christmas Monday, she's a beauty. Dearly Beloved, December came, December is here, I am December's obese child. Actually, more like, if December and April had a love child, I would be it. So I present to you words hoping you will still like me after not being on this side of town for a minute. Praying that you will like me more when I tell you, I shall leave this here seeing as Aunty Wairimu has just arrived from Nyeri with her entire FLEET! Yes, a fleet of children. Or maybe Netflix is lit and I am just a lazy hog with man tits to my knees and a bag of crisps on my layers of stomach. Either way, I like y'all, please still like me back. Oh and Happy Happy Christmas Fam. Get LIT! #BeingAsMillenialAsPossible #ILoveUsingHashtags #YouHaveProbablyAlreadyNoticedItOnMyInstagram. Banana Bread Recipe Ingredients 2 very ripe bananas 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon Baking Powder 1 cup white sugar 1 large egg beaten 3/4 cup margarine Vanil...