2016- Kwaheri 2017 -Karibu

Hey, what's up, hello!
The last post of 2016, the year is really done isn't it? Well I thought I'd be kind enough and say a huge huge huge THANKYOU to all of you guys for coming through big time in 2016. From my OG readers (the old ones from the first post to now) to you new readers (I see you) my thankyou and kind regards are in order.
What I have learnt from 2K16 is quite a lot. First, that it was a leap year- the 366 days thing. What's really interesting is how we come to 366 days. So, let me break it down for you, we have that 365 and 1/4 (a quarter) days trip Earth makes around The Sun. At this point,I'd like to introduce their nicknames; Hottie (sun) and Earthy (earth). I know I know, my nicknaming skills are a bit rough ,okay, not a bit, REALLY rough, but at least we have something to work with.
So, Earthy revolves around Hottie for 365 and 1/4 days. All this while, Earthy is rotating on its own axis and making all sort of random weather patterns. Oh oh oh! We also have another player in this rotating thing, The Moon ( Moony). Earthy is doing her thing around Hottie and Moony is doing his thing around Earthy. Now onto the second thing I learnt in 2016;
This is a LOVE TRIANGLE! Hear me out, we have Hottie, Earthy's love interest. Now Hottie is this gassy mess that Earthy seems to be obsessed with. Earthy is this drop dead gorgeous lil' mama who is so keen on keeping Hottie's interest that she also begins rotating around herself (hormones maybe?) At random places she has rainy days while at the same time, a different place is D-R-Y!!!!! Anyway, Moony is trying to get Earthy's attention. He knows he is no match for the gassy Hottie and so, what does he do? He copies Hottie's charm- the light. However, since he is not as gassy, he gets all creative and decides he is going to REFLECT Hottie's light. If that's not enough, he revolves around Earthy and gets his FREAK ON!!! He morphs into all these random shapes; Full, Half, Crescent Gibous (If my Geography serves me right, this is that 3/4 shape) and wonder of wonders, he goes invisible and people call this trick 'New Moon'. In my honest opinion, I think Earthy is just SPRUNG!!!! Moony is all sorts of awesome, he is super determined, he can do magic tricks,sure he is smaller, but hey, the guy can do magic tricks for chrissakes! Earthy should get off that cloud she is on and leave Hottie alone. One, he is gassy, who wants all that gas all around them? Two, he is just immature, he burns with a vengeance and yet he still plays hard to get, what with forcing Earthy to revolve around him like that. He does have his positives though, he makes crops grow, he gives AMAZING swimming weather and gives solar power. Actually, come to think of it, Hottie isn't that bad after all. We can however protect Earthy in her romantic endeavours. Less emission, more recycling, less dumping ,more caring for Earthy and making it more habitable for our own sake. Less emission means the ozone layer wont get depleted and as such we are protected from UV rays and as such disease, Hey Cancer!
Therefore, how about taking better care of Mother Nature this new year?
Last recipe for 2K16 maybe?
Egg Curry with Ugali and Cabbages

1 hard boiled egg
5 carrots
1 Bell pepper
3 tomatoes
Spring onions
1 tbsp curry, 1/4 tbsp chillies, salt to taste
any other vegetables you would love to use.

Fry your onions and tomatoes in a pan until the tomatoes turn to a pulp. Add in your carrots and other vegetables, season with spice and salt as desired. Cover pan and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add your egg and stir. Leave covered on low heat for five minutes.
For your Ugali, boil water in a pot or saucepan. Add 2 tbsp of margarine and let it melt in the boiling water over high heat. On low heat, add your flour and stir it till solid without any traces of flour. Mould it using your cooking stick and once done, serve.
Serve while hot. Serves one.
Thankyou so much for walking with me through 2016 and here's to more in 2017.
Prosperous 2K17 fam! From me to you and yours,
merci beaucoup, muchos gracias, asanteni sana, thankyou so much!


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