Hi there!
November is finally upon us guys, you know what that means, pretty soon we will be drunk-screaming 'Happy Birthday Jesus' at the top of our lungs, wearing new clothes 'nguo za christmas' (I promise, this is usually my favourite part of the whole 'shabadabing' SHAMELESSLY). Let us not forget the activity we all religiously involve ourselves in, making new year resolutions and yes, this does include those self-righteous columnists who write how they are so debonair and cannot involve themselves in such foolery. Oh bother, do us all a favour and admit you are as self-consoling as the rest of us are, we all 'resolve' that in the coming year, we will;
a. Join a gym, Go unfailingly, lose those extra kilos and get that crazy body by the next Christmas
b. Be more careful with our resources and only spend money on what we really need and I mean 'REALLY' need
c. A whole list of other things we think we can achieve by a simple flick of the wrist
I am a serious culprit of the one that says, "I'll try to be a better person, do better-person things, breathe better-person air, get that better-person haircut, wear those better-person clothes, listen to those better-person songs" (I'm honestly doubting where I am going with this but hey! ride along with me). "Have that better-person accent", okay enough. The truth is, two days into the new year I am usually back to my ancient ways of undiluted rachetness and pettiness (I know, I used undiluted, suck it up). In the beginning of this year, I resolved to be less of a stalker but surprise surprise, guess who is out here sharpening his lurking skills on your instagram. I am the self proclaimed James Bond of Instagram lurking, I know Sherlock Holmes would have been a better title but hell, I am all 007, tuxedos and all.
I know you are probably wondering how Mr. Christmas Spirit I am today. You probably even have assumptions of how in real life I am one of those annoying cousins who send their 'Warm Christmas Greetings' immediately it reads December 1st, 12:00 AM. Honestly, that couldn't have been more accurate. I have a feeling this year, I will go get myself a kitenge outfit and add red and green christmas ribbons to commemorate this grand occasion. I will get those christmas haircuts and buy another tub of petroleum jelly to ensure maximum facial shine.
Let's talk about the gifts. Honestly, I am thoroughly jealous of those human beings who were lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) as to get their birthdays over christmas. I have never gotten a christmas gift. I mean, I probably have gotten something over christmas but, not wrapped in shiny paper with ribbons all over it (See the pettiness!) In all honestly though,am I the only one who associates the word 'gift' with shiny paper and ribbons? I mean a car without ribbon is an exception, plus the fuel money and the servicing costs and the parking fees etc. Anyway, away from that, I feel like the gifting tradition is slightly overrated. The real gift is having gone through a full year and seeing it through to the end. Things might have happened, good or bad, but look at the bright side, you came, you saw, you conquered. Let that be your mantra this season or rather, in the season that starts in the next few weeks: I came, I saw, I conquered. Fena Gitu's song of triumph 'Jabulani' tells it all. In this African Christmas mood I am currently in, I made something that was a real treat making.



1 cup of carrots (pre-boiled)
1/2 (half) cup of peas (pre-boiled)
1 onion
2 cups of rice ( pre cooked)
1 pineapple ring
3 spoons dessicated coconuts


Fry your onions, when brown, add the carrots and peas. Add your rice and let this shallow fry for about three minutes. Add your prepared Pineapple coconut syrup and let this sautee while covered to get the flavours in. Serving suggestion, serve alongside brown chapati and beef stew.
For your syrup, add pineapple juice to 5 tablespoons of dessicated coconuts.

Thank you for reading.
Share with your fellow humans and let's get this Christmas spirit going.
Adios fam, ooouuu (Young M.A voice)


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