French Toast, Nairobi Daylight and Robbers

So, how are things on this of the internet? I know, I know, it's been a minute since we were here, you know, staring into each other's eyes and all, telling each other irrelevant pieces of little lies and pretending that we believe it all. Actually it's more of me telling you stories (which I am sure you doubt) and you staring into my fingers (not my eyes) through your device's screen and hoping on your life that you will get something interesting on this trainwreck that you can actually use. Anyway enough of that emotional, heart-wrenching, tear-invoking, blood-chilling, depression-causing introduction and let's get BUSY! (*disturbing and utterly inappropriate wink)
I WAS ROBBED! Yes, I am that blunt! No,it wasn't one of those sappy 'Cupid robbed my heart' robbed and neither was it one of those, disturbed 'My heart was robbed of all emotion' robbed (which, by the way, comes with a jug of poison and a sack full of powersaws all delivered by a strange looking lady dressed in all black and wearing the worst make up and, not to forget, smelling like a dead body ,YUCK!) It was more of a 'give me money or else I will serious harm you with this thing I am carrying' robbed. To be honest with you I am not even sure what weapon my attacker had with him at that time. It could have been a dagger, a broken piece of glass, a can of healthy food (we all know how that sucks) or any other tool of offence. All I know is, I panicked and my head started rushing as I saw 'flashes of my life' like in the movies (we also know those are all fake in every movie right?). Long story short, he took from me a clean one hundred and thirty shillings, yes, that may not seem to be a huge sum to you but to some of us who swear by a sixteen-shilling plate of 'rice and ndengu' (green grams) for lunch, that is quite a huge sum. I mean, with that 130 bob, I probably would have bought for my crush, lunch for a whole week or something.(Well, we'd have to be talking first before the lunch thing and talking is not something we do, actually do I exist? am I a new student? Have I ever been seen before though?) Anyway, away from those rhetorics, I was extremely thrown off. The worst part is, it happened at 12 noon in broad daylight right in the heart of the city centre. I felt terrible afterwards because, I mainly felt like a big coward (Tucks tail between legs and runs off crying to find his mama). I was angry with myself for letting him push me over like that and just rob me, take my money like he is entitled. The rest of the week went by and I still felt like the weakest person around. The people who saw me get robbed what did they say about me afterwards? The robber, after he had accomplished what he had set out to do, did he go back to his friends and laugh while exaggerating the story of how, "that guy was shaking like a leaf and had even urinated on himself, if we'd stood there for longer, he probably would have defecated on himself."  Of course these thoughts were making me feel worse but when I finally told people, they made it seem better and even gave me advice on how to handle such a situation next time.
You see, I am not writing to have you take pity on me for being robbed of 130 shillings, I mean, to hell with that cash and everything, I am writing to show you that, hey, I was robbed, true, and it is something to be keen on. I was robbed of 130 shillings, who knows, it could have been worse, maybe someone was robbed of more important possessions and maybe someone was actually hurt and maybe, just maybe, someone was killed. What I learnt was, always stay alert, never let a stranger come too close to you, never fear looking for help and in the worst case scenario where you are overpowered, cooperate. Be safe and probably you can avoid looking like 'that coward who got robbed on the street in broad daylight'.

French toast does wonders when you have a 'brief brush with death' as I did. French toast is basically Toast Mayai, for those who grew up on this side of the sahara and would look forward to Saturday mornings when these babies would be served alongside tea that has been 'poeshwad' (cooled) in that green jug or other plastic cup, and had just the right amount of sugar and was filled only halfway up your favourite plastic 'Winnie the Pooh' mug (which was bought specifically for so that you don't break it, like you broke all the others including 'zile za wageni'). One of my all time favourite 'Toast Mayai' memories is sitting in the kitchen waiting as 'aunty' (the househelp) made the toast and eagerly receiving my share which I would eat while watching 'Ed, Edd and Eddy', 'Johnny Bravo' or 'Cow and Chicken' (sigh, the good old days) of course, that was before I could question whether it was really possible for two human parents to have a cow for a daughter and a rooster for a son (I really can't use the other word for rooster, my innocence will be ruined if I do. Biology,look at what you turned me into!) Anyway, before I go all Cartoon Network mode, French Toast is quite similar to this delicacy of our childhood only with very few additions.

Apart from bread, eggs and oil,you will need
1 Tablespoon of milk for each two slices of bread
Cinnamon to taste
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
Toppings (use either);
Cream (butter cream, fresh cream)
 Chocolate syrup
Fresh fruit

Mix the eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla together, soak the bread slices till well soaked, on a pan, let this cook until golden brown. Once that is done, you can either let it cool or eat while hot. If using cream, spread cream on one side of two slices each. Put these together and you can add any other topping you desire. It is your food enjoy it,go crazy with it, have a wild adventure together (don't let them tell you you can't).

Thankyou for reading please like and share
Stay safe!


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