So I guess we are back at it again, you and I, huh? Oh well, LET'S DO THIS you little B**CUITS!!!!! Yes, I just had to pull that one on you. How have you been though? I feel like its been a few weeks since we were last here together,you know,me doing all the story telling and you trying to read through it all, trying not to show your utter boredom.(Sigh) Good times.
I have had quite the writers' block I tell you, I mean I try writing something and then suddenly, I just want to take a nap, or go pet my goats ( yes, goats,not dogs or cats or mice, just g-o-a-t-s you should really try it. I hear goats are amazing for your skin,especially since they are enclosed in a pen and the only part of you that's in contact with them is your palm. P.S try not to touch your face afterwards.) So as I was saying before we rudely interrupted by the digressing thoughts,I didn't really know what to write, post and force you to read, because, let's all admit it,I am pretty convincing aren't I? But, this week I am here, all for you, to make use of and (hopefully not) to make fun of.
Throwback Sessions
I am a 90s baby ( as are most of my readers) and I love music (as the rest of the entire population), one thing I can tell you was my biggest challenge was the mastering of song lyrics. I mean, was there anything harder? Growing up,most of the people around me had what we called 'song books' or 'lyric books' or whatever else anyone had. Trust you me, you could touch a girl's boyfriend but not her lyric book. That was the holy grail in a person's stash of books, well that's after the 'safely-hidden' Sidney Sheldon novels and a stash of other magazines which made mothers bay for teenage blood wielding a weapon of mass destruction. (In this context, mass destruction varies in intensity of the beating about to be dished out) The weapon was maybe a wooden cooking stick, your father's leather belt or the worst of all, The NYAHUNYO!!!!!!!!!
( insert dramatic danger music).
 Now of course I was too young to have gone through all that torment but hey, I have cousins, I witnessed them being dismantled and trying to run from the horror of the 'maternal torture', or I could also have a creative mind that makes stuff seem super real.Hmmm, I'll leave that to you to ponder on (insert strange conspiracy-theory music).
The experience I had with the lyric book is an odd one. So, we had this help when I was young. She was a real music-head. I am talking, even her speech was arranged according to the SOLFA Notation thingy that people do ( the Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do) but then again I just could be exaggerating. She had her own 'song/lyric/god-knows-what-else book' which she always had next to her at all times. In the afternoons after she had done all the work, she made me join her on the verandah floor basking in the glorious 3pm sun as we listened to the radio and crammed lyrics to all sorts of songs and fed them into the book by means of writing. Of course most of the songs only had the chorus lyrics (which were all wrong) and gaps that were meant to be filled with the verse lyrics that we never had.
Sadly, she left and I was all alone in the big big world. All alone to accomplish a task I felt was too big for me, To Continue Feeding 'LYRIC BOOK' ( insert Lion King music). Then a ray of hope came ,my way, a local paper started printing song lyrics on the Sunday paper.The manner in which I took to looking forward to the Sunday edition of the print was in no way comparable to the Israelites' manna craze. I was all over the paper on Sunday, scissors and glue in hand, cutting away the lyric page and sticking it on LYRIC BOOK's empty pages.Boy, was I determined. Then something terrible happened and the tides shifted, and having a lyric book was no longer considered cool! I was crushed.A sword had been ran into my heart and left there. My childhood would never remain the same again. So I took to colouring images and reading children's stories. Even though I had a new obsession, I still felt an emptiness in my young heart, having to leave ,my first and one-true love, LYRIC BOOK. At this point ladies and gentlemen, mermaids and aliens of all galaxies, I think it's safe to state that I barely understood what half the songs were about but heck, I sang along anyway!
When LYRIC BOOK was taken away from me, I realised I could do other things with my life, an example is falling in love all over again, this time I am sure no one will ever take this romance away from me because hey, FOOD will never stop being cool. Yes, food walked into my life and I have never let go.
Today I have a little something to warm you up this increasingly cold days in Nairobi.I loooooove coffee and I loooooooooooooovvvvveee chocolate, bring the two together and voila, pure MouthGasm.Try this, make your coffee how you like it ( I like it strong and dark) then take half a cup of milk.Boil the milk,and whisk it to a froth ( I warmed mine in the microwave) whisk till the froth is consistent and then warm it again to ensure the froth keeps. Add this to your coffee.Use a spoon to hold back the froth and once done, scoop all the froth and add it on top. To top it all off, shave a little chocolate on it and let it sort of melt.
For your fruit, use any that tickles your fancy. I used apples and melons. 1 apple, half of it I diced and the other half I left. Sprinkle a little vinegar to prevent browning and also to add a zingy taste to the sugary apple.  One melon circle was enough for me. Dice and add to your apples. Put this in the fridge to chill. They are best served cold.
Pastry is always a good choice especially with chocolate on it but healthy boiled arrowroots have me singing and dancing.
**For the fruit;
1 apple (dice half)
1 melon circle (dice)
**For the coffee;
1cup of coffee
1/2 (half) cup of milk
A small piece of chocolate

Have a great time,
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Au Revoir!


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