Sweater weather,
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how the weather has taken a change, a drastic one if I might add. Dumb question, I know,but what am I to do? I mean i did need to break the ice right? So,on to more pressing matters; one minute we are complaining about how the sun dropped into the Nairobi atmospheric blanket,or how the Nairobi Ozone Layer was stolen and we poor nairobians were left melting in the sweltering heat,and also making memes and putting them up on Instagram to make 'lemonade' out of this 'truckload of lemons' the sun had given to us.The next minute we are draped in our finest 'mitumba' draperies. All coated in dark trench-coats looking like cheap henchmen working double jobs,one as professional life takers* (*because killers is such a strong word) and the next as only heavens-knows-what. We went from carrying litres of ice-cold water to carrying thermo-cups and sipping like our lips are delicate tulips we cant afford to burn with the liquid inside.You know, I am sure I am not just speaking for myself when I say that the heat made me feel like the healthiest human on the face of the planet, what with the carrying of water bottles all around the city and taking thick-heavy-massive gulps after every step or two. Oh, you should have seen me especially near the end of this 'summer EXTRAVAGANZA' I had my water all over me, my bottle never left my side. It became that accessory that went amazingly with whatever garment I threw on.
Side bar: I know after the throwing in of that 'garment' thing A.K.A 'The G bomb' you expect me to throw in some more biblical terms such as robe or even sandals or better yet alabaster jar,girded loins, etcetra etcetra. Well I don't know, I mean I am in quite the Bible study mood today, let's just see how it pans out.
So fast forward to the beautiful month named April.The first day of April A.K.A April Fool's Day, we woke up to a grey sky and the wetness of the ground and that familiar smell in the air, wait, is that what I think it is? I bet it is, it had rained and the sky looked like my face when I have a cold.They say a good day is evident from the morning and boy ,was it a good day,just ask the ladies who were all decked out in their leg warmers, thick woollen sweaters and blouses, scarves that look like a neck-swallowing creature and all that 'keep-me-warm' stuff. It got to midday and my armpits were drenched in a body excretion science told us to call SWEAT. Now don't misquote me,I was not in the bevy of girls wearing the eat-me-up drapery that day, I was in a light shirt looking like I just landed from the caribbean.Aside from the fact that that has to be the worst from if imagery you have ever seen in your life,from your days in highschool to be precise( the one about me being from the caribbean) can we just take a moment of silence for all the ladies caught between the proverbial 'rock and hard place' what, with all the sweating and discomfort. Well, that is Nairobi weather for you one moment its wet the next its on a hot-dry spell*
(*wink wink)
Oh well, stuff happens and we all get screwed up once in a while but that's not the end of life, is it? Of course not. When your alarm your goes off and you hit snooze like a billion times,wake up late,get caught up in traffic, the matatu conductor decides he has hit sportpesa jackpot with your change,you get late to work and before you know it, your whole day gets ruined,you go to bed, hungry perhaps,and sleep it off. The following day,trust you me,you will be up before your alarm, you will have the exact amount of money for your fare and traffic will be that thing you tell to suck your,rated 18. For me whenever these things happen to me, I find solace in my man-cave aka 'THE KITCHEN'.
Today I have one of those lift up snacks that will make you feel like busting with joy and life and all that good-good.
Announcer voice: Ladies, gentlemen, aliens who really do exist, dogs with magic powers, and everyone reading this right now, introducing,the very special STRAWBERRY CREPES WITH CHOCOLATE AND BANANA TOPPINGS SERVED WITH ORANGE JUICE!!!!!!!!

So I have a thing for pancakes and all that is similar to pancakes,as I sat in my "man-cave" contemplating on the disparities of life,a thought struck me, why don't I make myself a plate of crepes.I hate boring food so I added strawberry essence to the mixture and trust you me the scent and colour of these slices of heaven was absolutely breathtaking.I drizzled chocolate syrup (because any pastry without chocolate is dead) and threw on banana slices.If you want,you can make a fruit-wrap of these crepes by making a cone and stuffing fruit in them.I suggest fruits like strawberries, bananas, you know, the not so juice dripping fruits. Also, serve while hot.These little treats can actually rescue you from a really bad day. Trust me, they did wonders for me. Also don't play by the rules too much,you can put as much batter on the pan to cook at any given time, not necessarily the stuffy old 2 tablespoonfuls per pouring.Besides you will take an eternity cooking them yet you are hungry.
Prep.time;10-15 minutes
 Ingredients necessary;
1 cup wheatflour,3 eggs,1 cup of milk,two tablespoons of butter(melted),1teaspoon ofsugar(or you can add if you want), 1/4 teaspoon of salt,2ml strawberry essence.
 Put the flour,salt and sugar in one bowl.In a separate bowl( a bigger one perhaps)mix the milk, eggs and vanilla essence.Whisk till smooth and then add the dry ingredients,whisk to remove all the lumps.Add in the melted butter and beat the ingredients together to a consistent batter.On a heated pan with a little oil,pour and spread out to achieve thinness(the thinner the better) repeat with the remainder.Cook over medium heat, ensure both sides are brown enough.
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