Sweater weather, Is it just me or does anyone else notice how the weather has taken a change, a drastic one if I might add. Dumb question, I know,but what am I to do? I mean i did need to break the ice right? So,on to more pressing matters; one minute we are complaining about how the sun dropped into the Nairobi atmospheric blanket,or how the Nairobi Ozone Layer was stolen and we poor nairobians were left melting in the sweltering heat,and also making memes and putting them up on Instagram to make 'lemonade' out of this 'truckload of lemons' the sun had given to us.The next minute we are draped in our finest 'mitumba' draperies. All coated in dark trench-coats looking like cheap henchmen working double jobs,one as professional life takers* (*because killers is such a strong word) and the next as only heavens-knows-what. We went from carrying litres of ice-cold water to carrying thermo-cups and sipping like our lips are delicate tulips we cant afford to burn wi...