Hello, what's up, how are you?
Enough with the niceties,my last post had something to do with Nigerian rice.Well actually,not Nigerian rice per se,(yes I do know words like per se,what did you think I am, a person who does not a word like per se?) Please *waves hand in contempt* uh-oh there goes another one, *bomb sound*, the 'C' word never disappoints. You might want to keep your eyes peeled for more words like CONTEMPT,PER SE etcetra etcetra.See what I did there with the etcetra etcetra thingy by the way, etcetra etcetra is the long version of ETC. Like,that word we all tend to put at the end of a list to make us seem professional and brief and precise and straight to the point. I wonder, what if one day there comes an app that helps expound on the etc at the end of any list? Oh, the horrors we would all be exposing ourselves to!
 Do not judge the fact that I tend to think of an app that can expound on the etc at the end of a list.I mean,we are in the 21st century.You get food through an app, you test yourself for alcohol content after a thorough night(fist bump) through an app,you even get your 'soulmate' through an app.That soulmate part is usually more of a sex partner who you meet when the inner parts of your body decide it is officially 'mating season'.So basically, I really cannot help the fact that I want the app-genius-building-spectacle-wearing-people to build humanity an app that can get us through the harrowing process of imagining what is included in an etc and later on just giving up and moving on to the next list.
Back to my topic for today before I digress any further. My goodness, now I know why teachers tend to give very irrelevant information mid-lecture, notice how I've underlined the phrase very irrelevant, that is what I call winning at life. It reminds me of my Mathematics teacher back in high school.Oh, he was something else, he was quite old. I could say almost sixty plus if I am not over-aging him or maybe I'm under-aging him, anyway,he always had a story a day telling us how much of a jock he was in highschool. I mean he even played games that had a minimum height limit (read basketball) am I calling him short?I don't know, maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I entirely doubted his sport prowess but take me for example, I cleared highschool very few years back but now almost every person I have met after school is convinced I was the school's Students' Kitchen Representative and my roles included, supervising cooks, tasting meals before they were served ,making sure no student receives harsh/rude treatment while in the dining areas etc. I mean,the school did not have any such post ever, and better yet,how can a socially-awkward acne-infested teenage boy supervise middle-aged cooks responsible for 1000+ mouths? Not to forget they had been doing the cooking thing for thousands of years, well not thousands I mean that exaggeration is a bit off but you get what I mean.On that thousands of years thing though,who were they cooking for,dinosaurs?
 * the crowd breaks into uncontrollable laughter after the dropping of his excruciatingly dry dinosaur joke*
So you see, this is exactly how the lecture time gets finished and all you have heard is stories about the time your Mathematics teacher played a hockey game by himself against a rival full-team and ended up winning the game and his team(which he represented single-handedly) proceeded to the next level all by his effort. At the same time putting in some dry joke bliss.
All's well that ends well.This was not what I had planned to post today but boy am I glad I did.Breakfast should always be a moment of appreciating the food and planning the day ahead of you with a lot of bright ideas and keeping your mood light.Ever thought of colour-coordinating your plate? This is exactly what I recently did and believe you me it worked wonders. If you are a parent to a toddler then maybe this is not news to you but try it on yourself and see.On my protein plate I put in carrot strips and lemon slices.The orange eye of the white hard-boiled egg looked amazing with the complementing orange carrot strips and the green lemon slices. For your fruit, choose an arrangement that appeals to you remember this is YOUR plate and you get to make the rules on how presentation should look like.I used melons, pineapples (ringed) and mango strips. Oh plus carrots.
Now, I have quite a sweet tooth and so I had to throw in a little bit of that,so I took regular digestive biscuits and on them I spread chocolate whipped cream, I put three together with of course the middle one being spread on both sides and on the top one I drizzled a little chocolate syrup and I also had chocolate cake which I most certainly had to dress with chocolate syrup.Yes,it was that chocolatey up in here,YUM! I like flavoured tea,it sort of has a soothing effect that I absolutely love so here I of course used Cinnamon flavoured tea and viola the breakfast is served.
Prep.time: 15 minutes (Use pre-prepared whipped cream and try multi-tasking such as;as the egg boils, prepare the fruits.)
I hope you have as much fun preparing this as I did,and remember to E-N-J-O-Y every bit of it because you deserve it for,I don't know, just doing life.
Au revior, see you soon, and do not forget to help those in need of help.Maybe buy a street child food or better yet, make the food yourself and give.Just a thought.



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