Of Rabbits,Easter and coconuts

Easter,easter,easter Is it just me or is anyone else a little freaked out by how early the Easter bunny decided to hop around this year? *PS: that Easter bunny thing, not my thing. Here is what I tend to find a bit off with this belief in a hypothetical,wait,IMAGINARY animal that is supposed to be the bearer of all things Eastery. I did not know of anything to do with rabbits on an April holiday(Well,normally April. 2016 is shaping to look like those kids in school who always thought they were cooler than everyone else and would decide to always do things way ahead of time like going sneaking into the dorm rooms ten minutes before bedtime so that everyone will look at them awestruck by how bold and daring they are. I mean,if at all you are such a bad ass why sneak in only ten minutes before time?Why not do an hour or two before time? Heck do not even attend the two and a half hour long evening preps. Such bull/s. #BOARDINGSCHOOLDRAMA) Anyway, before I kill the Easter bunny story, w...