There should be something close to a 'death-limit' when it comes to deciding how often a person should say,'we are back!!!!!' -yes with all those exclamation marks- but for now let's all pretend we didn't see it coming when I write, WE ARE BACK !!!!!!
I feel like you and I have been at this for so long its like "our thing" now.So, let me fill you in on the life and times of yours truly for the past few months. In my last post I talked about how we were now back even bigger and better than what we already were before (whatever that's supposed to mean) and to be honest with you it didn't feel true to me either.I know I know, oh, but don't be too hard on yourself at least you tried giving us false hope(use slightly high pitched and over sympathetic voice). But on the real though, how many of us feel like that? You know,the, 'NEW YEAR NEW ME SHIT', well technically its not much of a new year new me feeling but more of a, 'GOOD HEAVENS,I SHOULD HAVE WORKED ON A NEW BLOG POST CENTURIES AGO' feeling, you know what I mean? Oh well,let me save you the boredom of my long talk and fill you in.
Where do I begin? I went to school one morning and this lady had a book with an interesting cover. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk up to her and ask if I could see the book, right? She says its cool and I lay my fat stubby fingers on a Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie book (sigh). 'Americanah', the book captivated me in ways I can not try explaining. Let's just say I took to the book like manna from heaven.Oh you should have seen me, going on YouTube to watch that Ted Talk she gave and a number of speeches she gave as well. Her writing is just beyond. She put me through a series of experiences as I got to learn more about her main character Ifemelu. Ifemelu to me seems like the girl you want to be your friend. She is a straight shooter, and I fell in love with her and with how she appeared to be vulnerable but also very much in control.
Of course there are a lot more characters in the book all with their strengths and weaknesses but for me Ifemelu had more to her than many of the other characters. I also jumped into another one of Chimamanda's books,' Half of a Yellow Sun' it focused on the Biafran war of Nigeria and we get to see the war through the eyes of Olanna and Ugwu. Mainly Ugwu ,who is the houseboy who grows so close to the family he is practically a part of it and there's Olanna,beautiful Olanna with her English accent and her degree from an English University, she is master's girlfriend turned wife. The intensity of this book spoke volumes upon volumes of the state of affairs during warfare and how people nearly lose their sanity and self respect and dignity and God knows what else.
Believe me when I say I got intrigued to an extent that I tried making jollof rice, trust you me I made rice alright, but not the jollof rice our Nigerian brodas and sisters tell us of o! (use naija accent for dramatics). The rice that this chef extrodinaire made is a little something I called Mwaniki-Rice Nom Nom, talk about a strong name game, so the recipe as it goes here;

1 tbsp butter                                                                                                          
4 plum tomatoes
2 onions
1 cup parboiled rice
vegetable oil
1/2(half) cup of boiled beans
Blend the onions to a pulp ( here is the part I used the water)
In a sauce pan, put the butter and melt it add the onions once ,melted.Make sure the onions turn golden brown. Add the tomato pulp and over strong heat, make sure most of the water is gone, now add your vegetable oil ( preferably use around 5 tablespoons of the oil). Fry over low heat till pulp separates from oil. When the tomato pulp has separated from the oil, drain the excess oil.This is the fried tomato stew that you will use for the rice. Add your parboiled rice and boiled beans and water to cover, you can add pepper and salt to taste. Cook over low heat to avoid burning before all the water is drained.When the water is drained, remove the rice and voila,a meal fit for royalty.
Things can't get better than this,creating recipes and actually naming them and blogging on them. Unfortunately,I don't have any pics ( I am not one of those people who remember their cameras when hungry) but please be so kind as to send me pics of yours and tell me if you improve on anything.
Till next time
Adios, Au revoir, Bon Voyage, Gracias and all those other foreign words that people say to each other at any particular time!
P.S I may or may not have made any sense in those foreign words but they just sound good when used together.


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