Cat Chats and Pineapple Cobbler

What does a normal individual do on a Saturday morning? Well, hold a solid conversation with his cat of course. Here’s one I had with Patricia the other day. Patricia: (walking at brisk pace) Hello human. Self: Cat. Patricia: (jumps on couch and makes herself comfortable, ready to stew in her own heat) Fine Day isn’t it guv’nah? Self: What person says guv’nah at 10:47 am Saturday morning? Patricia: In case, you haven’t noticed bruh, I am a CAT, Feline, relative of Lions and Cheetahs and all those other barbaric relatives of mine. Self: Well, two shouts for Miss Family Spirit! Patricia: You need to work on your sarcasm bro, I mean, Simba (the neighbours’ dog) has better stuff, than the pathetic lines you try passing off. Self: Did you honestly rouse your fur, walk into the house and share a couch with me just to lower my self-esteem? Patricia: Oh my God, you and moaning! Boo-Hoo, no one cares, hey did I tell you of that time I did a thing on the couch? Self: You mean using ...