86. The number of days left till Christmas. That period we all get excuses to overdo: overeating, overspending, oversharing (Social Media eeeh!), overdressing and my favourite part, there is all the New Year New Me just around the corner. ‘New Year New Me’, I aspire to be that guy who brews for a living. We’ll make 750 ml of a kaStrong one we will call, New Year New Me . We will run ad-campaigns on the Twitters and IGs of this world (who still uses FB anyway?) and we will uses these individuals with smartphones and Wi-Fi, commonly referred to as ‘ Influencers ’, to push our brand with the hashtag # NYNM . The video we shoot for the campaign will be voiced by a heavily accented baritone, because what could be more suave than a heavily accented baritone right? The baritone will say several things in a creepy low voice, the one the Sapiens of these modern era refer to as ‘ bedroom voice’ . Now, you may ask, why on earth would I buy a beverage whose advert features a bedroom voiced bar...