Lucy and Kevo

I recently began (and as at Friday August 18, 2017 01:23, completed) watching five episodes of Season 1 of the series going by the name, Lucifer . So, children, wanna hear what it’s all about? So, there’s this guy, he’s the devil, right, he comes to earth on ‘vacation’ and leaves hell without a chief punisher. Hollywood being, well, Hollywood, decided to make our good man here, a punisher on earth. He busts crime with a hot mama with a smashing jaw line and who had at one point in her life appeared in an R-rated movie (at least that’s what I gathered) that involved her taking her top off exposing what they termed as a rather formidable pair of knockers. Now, that was not the highlight of the whole thing, at least for me it wasn’t, the highlight was this: the devil has a brother, I mean all angels are practically brothers, notice the lack of gender equality there, all-male angel choirs, #CueTheFeminists. The brother comes to earth regularly not because he loves the humans sana , no,...