Rosemary: The voice behind my seat

Traffic, rain drops, heavy jackets and wet umbrellas. This is partly lyrics from a Migos song and partly my own mastery of the English language. Other features included; loud blaring music (the kind musicians advise parental guidance because of the content.) Scenario: *music playing on the stereo* *mother seated next to child as she guides child on how to listen to the music* ‘ first off f*** your crew and the clique you claim ’ *mother pauses the track, flips through the notes she had prepared for this musical session, looks at child in the eye and advises, ” When the F bomb comes on, I want you to put your fingers in your ears and make a BLEEP sound. Let’s practise.” * *mother rewinds the song and when it gets to the F bomb, they both put their fingers in their ears and make a BLEEP sound* *mother looks at child with so much pride knowing she has given her parental advice on how to enjoy music.* I sat next to the window, which is obviously my absolute favourite seat in a matatu....