
The month of March is coming to a close. What do you have to show for this first quarter of 2017? I for one have quite a number. I have a new kid (Okay, he was born in February, at least I have a goat, jeez, get off my back). I swear Valentino has me feeling like DJ Khaled and Asahd. Puss gave us a litter of kittens, I mean, it's raining young ones over here! And finally, I grew another beard strand. Now here is where I have an issue. Some of us have facial hair deficiency or maybe we just happen to be slow beard-growers. People ask me why I stopped going to the barber's,well, let me tell you how it all went down. A beautiful sunny morning, I woke up feeling all middle-class and entitled. Yawned, drew the curtains, sent a shoutout to The Big Man in The Clouds and went looking for food to stuff in this hole in my face. Nutrition gotten? Good. Maybe I showered or I didn't, anyway I hopped on out to the kinyozi. There's something about the barber shop that sets it apar...